How To Compost

5 min read
Home composting can be a very helpful yet, difficult task when done incorrectly. It is very important to follow the right steps to get the right humus. (Humus is the result of composting and can be used as a fertilizer in gardens.) In order to properly compost you need to ensure you are adding the right materials into the bin. Below is a list of items you can and cannot compost. 

Greasy or fatty foods
Most kitchen scraps
Petroleum plastic
Paper towels
Human and animal waste
Lawn clippings
100% natural fabrics
Cooking oil
Coffee grinds
Cow and chicken waste
100% cotton feminine products
Tea bags
Egg shells (wasted out)
Added sugar foods
Loose leaf tea
Dead animals
Bamboo toothbrushes 
Inorganic materials
Rope and burlap
100% latex balloons
Dead plants
Herbicides or pesticides
Pencil shreds
Metal or glass
Unwaxy paper plates
This list might seem equal but, it is deceiving. Most natural and organic materials can be added to the compost pile. Items that cannot be added are to prevent unwanted critters digging in your pile. Other items that cannot be added can harm plants, and create unpleasant smells. 
There are 5 easy steps to composting, that will leave you with nutrient rich humus to use in gardens.

1. Choose your bin 
There are many options when it comes to the bin you use to compost in. There are rolling barrels that don't require you to stir the pile, open bins which is basically a large crate that sits out and requires stirring, and no bin, just a pile. The type of bin should not matter in the process of the items composting, but it is important that the materials receive some oxygen and moisture. 

2. Location
Place your bin or pile in a location that will receive sunlight and some water when it rains, but not too much. The pile should be placed in a flat area for easier drainage. It needs to be in a place that won't attract critters, or glares from your neighbors (lets hope not). Make sure it is located close to your home so, you don't have to walk far, but also not too close where potential critters can wander to. 

3. Add to your bin 
Adding materials to the bin should be done in layers. The layers are important for proper drainage and aeration. The base layer of the pile should be, branches or leaves loosely packed. This helps the excess moisture leave the bin with no problem. As your kitchen scraps accumulate, add them to the pile and follow with a layer of brown materials (paper, leaves, twigs). There needs to be a balance in the types of materials added (green and brown). 
Tip: Keep a second pale in your home to collect kitchen scraps and other home materials, before adding them to the larger outdoor pile. This will help keep the balance of brown and green materials.

4. Worms
Red wriggler worms can be added to the pile to help break down materials quicker, and eliminate odors. Worms should only be added to the pile in the warmer months. The compost will get warm as its composting, and should keep the worms warm and happy in colder months. This will only get warm once there is an ongoing pile. An option in the colder months would be to move your pile into the garage if you have worms. This will keep them warm and continuing to do their job. 

5. Maintenance 
Weekly stirring would be recommended. Stirring ensures the older layers are mixed with the newer layers, to have a blended pile. The pile should feel similar to a wrung-out sponge, not too wet and not too dry. If your pile gets too dry, add water and mix. Remember, you can't take away water but you can always add. If your pile does get too wet you can add brown materials to help absorb the extra moisture. 

Your pile will be 'done' after about 6 months of starting. The pile should smell like the earth and be crumbly and dark brown. Some uses of the humus can be adding into any garden, or making 'humus tea'. 
Humus tea is exactly how it sounds. Add some humus into a cheese cloth and steep overnight in a bucket of water. This 'tea' can be used to water any plants, and serves the same purpose as the powder "flower food", just without the chemicals. DO NOT DRINK!

If you do not want to compost yourself and you live in Monument, CO, there is an option to drop off your materials at the compost site. Go to the 'How to help' page for more information or the 'Compost Site Grand Opening' blog post. 


Mimi Marilyn said…
What is the address of the Monument compost site?
Maddie Gotkin said…
506 North Jefferson street Monument Colorado
Unknown said…
woo love this and you great job!